Saturday, November 19, 2011

How do I get Permanent marker off an American girl doll?

I am doing doll restoration for the first time and found a permanet marker stain on the doll's foot. I have tried rubbing amonia and rubbing alchohal on it and that did not work ether. What am I to do?|||Oxy 10, a powerful zit cream, will get it off in a couple of days. In the morning, place a good amount of the oxy on the ink spot. Leave the doll in the sun all day. When the sun goes down, remove the oxy. Repeat until spot goes away. I did this on two of my dolls. It took about a week, but now, I can't even see where the ink once was. By the way, you can get this at most drug stores.|||Sometimes GooGone works if its a smooth surface, but be careful, its oily. Also, try rubbing it with a dryer sheet.|||Well, if it is not that big then just leave it. If it is on it's foot then it must not be that noticeable.|||hairspray often works. spray it on, leave it for a few minutes, and wipe it off. You might also consider calling the customer service line or emailing a marker manufacturer, such as Sharpie. Their customer service has list of possible things to help. Sometimes there is a special "marker remover" you can order, but their tips are usually to use household items. You can tell them what type of material has been stained and they can give you some possible options. They gave me the hairspray tip to remove black Sharpie from the leather on my purse. Worked like a charm!|||color over it with a white board dry erase marker and then all of it will just wipe off.|||There are a few things you can try to do to remove the ink pen markings. Try them in this order until you get the desired results.

1. Try some hairspray. Spray it on the spots and see if you can rub it clean.

2. Mr Clean Magic Eraser. Wet and scrub lightly. Many times this will remove the ink spots. It is also great for getting the oily residue off your doll. Be careful around face paint and eyes.

3. Oxy10 Zit Cream. This is a bleaching method to remove the stain. It takes some time to work. Dab a small amount on the stain. Allow this to sit for 24 hours. wash off. if it has not gone away repeat over the course of a week. Sometimes allowing the doll with Oxy to sit in a sunny sport will help the creams bleaching powers.

4. If none of the above work she will need to go to the doll hospital for a limb replacement. I would only do this if it really bothers you.

Many of your questions on this type of thing and more can be answered by collectors and parents at

Good Luck with your cleaning!|||nail polish remover works

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